Capri Sun
Original oil painting on canvas by Sarah Alexander. This original will be signed by Sarah and shipped from her studio in Charleston, SC.
Free shipping on all orders in the United States.
All orders are shipped within 10 days of order being placed. If framing is selected, allow an additional 3-4 weeks for production and shipping.
Original oil painting on canvas by Sarah Alexander. This original will be signed by Sarah and shipped from her studio in Charleston, SC.
Free shipping on all orders in the United States.
All orders are shipped within 10 days of order being placed. If framing is selected, allow an additional 3-4 weeks for production and shipping.
Original oil painting on canvas by Sarah Alexander. This original will be signed by Sarah and shipped from her studio in Charleston, SC.
Free shipping on all orders in the United States.
All orders are shipped within 10 days of order being placed. If framing is selected, allow an additional 3-4 weeks for production and shipping.